Hey everyone, hope this calculator finds you in your dream b-school. Now that most of you have already chosen your place to be for the next 2 years. The most important aspect to look into now is the bank loan and interest.
I have devised a calculator in excel which takes in Principal amount, your Interest rate and the Amount you wish to pay per month after securing a job and gives you the number of months in which the loan can be stricken down and the Total amount you will be repaying till the end including interest.
The first three years(two years of study and one year of moratorium) are accounted for simple interest, the following years are accounted for compound interest.
This doesn't work in the previous versions of Excel or WPS office since I used the function IFS. You can use excel 2019 or use google sheets. You can find the monthly amount left to repay in the tables on the right.
I have locked and protected cells other than Principal, Interest rate and Amount that you are willing to pay. If you find that there is a mistake in any part of the sheet, you can intimate me in the comments.
I am attaching the link to the google sheet here.