Indians have always been famous for Jugaads and Master Strokes, But what happened yesterday is just another level !!!
After the Corona Virus pandemic struck mankind, Share markets have been crumpling all over the globe. Taking this as an advantage China started investing huge amounts in European markets and acquired a lot of companies worldwide. 

Last week People's Bank of China purchases 1.75 crore shares in HDFC(An Indian Bank). India has foreseen this as a threat to the local industries. If left as it is, it's taken for granted that China will acquire huge amounts of shares in Indian markets and might acquire positions of Board Members in top-notch Indian companies and then set rules they wish to. 

As a retaliation to that, GOI has announced that no country sharing land borders with India can invest in Indian companies without the permission of the GOI until the pandemic is over. But here comes the problem. If India blocks land border FDI's(Foreign Direct Investments) what can it do about Chinese companies investing from Hong-Kong( It doesn't share a land border with India)? I've been pondering over this for a while, and after a bit of brainstorming, I could finally break the puzzle, and here's my conclusion. 

Just as India has problems with Kashmir, China has problems with Hong-Kong. Though Hong-Kong has a separate flag and separate leaders, it's still in the control of China. China doesn't recognise Hong-Kong as a separate nation. So if the FDIs come from Hong-Kong, India will declare it to the world that China does recognise Hong-Kong as a separate nation. Since India has already stated that countries with Indian land borders cannot invest in Indian markets, it will just be a foolish move if China tries to invest from Hong Kong. 

This struck China so hard that it immediately released a statement saying " India's FDI rules are against Fair Trade and violates World Trade Organization (WTO) principle ". This simply proves how good Indians are at delivering Master Strokes.